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The no mess, no fuss alternative to bath bombs has already appealed to thousands of people as an antidote to the chaos of everyday life. Lee Booth, amoorra founder and managing director, explains the inspiration behind the brand’s flagship shower bomb:
“We were stressed out and finding it hard to cope. Our health was not great and we weren’t sleeping as well as we should. We discovered that there were thousands of people like us, who needed a simple way to help them relax and an excuse to get away from it all, in the sanctuary of their own home. So we developed amoorra to help make ‘Me Time’ easy.”
“You see, we believe that self-care is not a luxury, it is a necessity. Even taking just ten minutes each day can make a big difference to how you feel,” he adds.
Shower bombs are a luxurious addition to the bathroom routine that transform the shower into a spa-like experience. They work by releasing essential oils into the shower steam, which are inhaled and absorbed into the blood stream through the lungs. The therapeutic effects of steam and essential oils are well documented with the use of steam rooms dating back to the Romans and the art of aromatherapy having been practiced in Egypt as far back as 6000 BC.
Our client needed their product to stand out on the shelf, as when it sits in Holland & Barrett, it is competing against some of the best known brands in the UK. So the cartons Reelvision produced for amoorra had to be luxurious and create a strong impact.
‘Me Time’ is usually last on the agenda for most of us, and yet taking time out to relax and de-stress is vitally important to keeping healthy. Our client, amoorra, was looking for an easy way to help people do just this when they created the original bath bomb for the shower.
Established in 2017, amoorra has taken its product from the kitchen table all the way to being listed in major high street stores such as Holland & Barrett. Reelvision Print has been there from the beginning and continues to deliver standout packaging to support the growth of this innovative self-care brand.
Commenting on why amoora chose Reelvision Print as their long-term packaging partner, Lee Booth says: “We came to Reelvision, due to their attention to detail, consistency in print and can do attitude. As a small business we didn’t want or need large runs, but we did need quality products that catch the eye.”
Utilising a revolutionary development in narrow web in-line printing and die-cutting, Reelvision Print specialises in producing high quality, low volume folded printed cartons, sometimes in quantities as low as 250 units.
Reelvision’s lead times, which are the fastest in the industry, was another key factor: “Being a new business, we didn’t know how quickly the brand might take off, and we couldn’t wait six weeks for packaging when customers came banging on the door for more orders. Sometimes, we had to have the cartons delivered in the same week, so that we could pack over the weekend to support our customers’ needs.” Reelvision’s company policy of not charging ‘Fast Track Costs’ helped reduce commercial price pressures.
Brand colour consistency was also a key factor for amoorra and as Reelvision do not print using ‘light and dark’ tolerance levels this safeguards against shade variation. Printing with special pantone colours delivered by an anilox and doctor blade system ensures Reelvision manufacture with complete colour consistency not only during production but also for repeat orders too.